The Beauty In Our Backyard

October 12 2022 – Chelsey Walker

The Beauty In Our Backyard - Chelsey Walker Creative, LLC
The Beauty In Our Backyard - Chelsey Walker Creative, LLC

We have a tree stump in our backyard, a decent-sized remainder of what I'm sure was once a beautiful tree. We don't know why the previous owners left the stump, but I am grateful they did. It has provided hours of entertainment for our kids acting as a table, a racing start point, and a landmark in our backyard.

Every Summer this stump becomes surrounded by mushrooms seemingly overnight which the kids and our dog marvel over. This year we spotted huge portabella mushrooms growing and I knew it was the perfect opportunity to break out the new macro lens.

Our latest mushroom series shows the beauty in these plants. I hope you can find these prints just as alluring as I did. 

Until next time,



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